Jimmy Walter

Location: Croatia




First, I have the unavoidable human condition: I WILL be wrong from time to time! Now, of course, I do not think I am wrong until I am proven so. As for reducing the devastation of the earth, I am definitely for it! That does not make Man-Made Global Warming correct. When you use the word "denial" you have started an argument that is based on your slur and shows your prejudice!!!!! You imply that I have a psychological problem or a criminal covering up some wrong!! I am a doubter. A disprover! An alternative theorist. A different point of view. But when you use the word "denier", you have told me you do not have an open mind and are using what is essentially propaganda and emotional violence to support your argument!


Ran 66% success rate program (Median=33%) in state prison and welfare programs. For Profits and DOC had me shut down.



