Katie Arevalo

Location: Reisterstown, Maryland

Languages: English , Spanish , French

Born and raised in Baltimore City. A woman who loves her city and the people around her.

I am the daughter of Immigrants from El Salvador who came to the United States fleeing a war. I am the youngest of nine. Among my accomplishments are debate champion and activist of the year.



If you are having issues in your relationship or find yourself in a tense situation with a loved one it is helpful to speak to someone about it. Often times what we need is a third perspective who isn't involved.


From the hassle of religions that expect and demand a lot to the beauty of praising a God you see different than others, Im here to talk


There is a line between physical abuse and discipline. If you think you are experiencing abuse from a parent or a loved one, don't fear reaching out.


Co-Chair and Youth Organizer

Baltimore Algebra Project


Co-Chair and Youth Organizer

Baltimore Algebra Project

