Health Benefits of Whey Protein

Health Benefits of Whey Protein

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  1. What Is Whey Protein?

    Protein is both a fuel source and building material. It regulates and controls metabolic processes throughout the body. The health benefits of whey protein are quite clear when comparing them to other forms of protein normally found in the diet. Whey protein is one of two proteins found in cow’s milk. Of the two, whey is easier to digest and is known as a "complete" protein. Whey contains all of the essential amino acids, including leucine and isoleucine. The branched chain amino acids found in whey are directly absorbed by skeletal muscle. Athletes use whey protein because it is naturally complete and easy for the body to utilize.

    Enhances Physical Performance

    Athletes prefer whey to other types of protein because of how fast the body is able to use it. Whey also increases the level of glutathione in the body. Glutathione strengthens the body’s immune system. Resistance training and exercise deplete the body’s supply of glutathione. Moderate exercise is important in maintaining good health. The antioxidant benefits of glutathione and the rejuvenating properties of the branched chain amino acids work together to keep muscles lean and strong. Muscles supported in this manner are less likely to be injured or strained.

    Weight Management

    Quality whey protein preserves lean muscle and encourages fat loss. Studies performed at the University of Illinois by Dr. Donald Layman, reveal the part leucine plays in enhancving body composition. Protein plays a key role in regulating blood glucose levels. It slows the absorption of glucose, reduces hunger and lowers the amount of insulin the body needs. Whey protein promotes the release of hormones that suppress the appetite which encourages and helps to sustain weight loss, according to the professionals at Whey of Life.

    Disease Prevention

    Because whey is a naturally whole form of protein it offers substantial benefits in the prevention of disease. When combined with carbohydrates it burns quickly and efficiently as a fuel source. It is utilized directly into muscle tissue without having to be processed by the liver. This increases the body’s ability to work and strengthens both the cardiovascular and immune systems.

    Cancer patients also benefit from adding whey to their diet. Whey protein contains abundant amounts of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine strengthens the immune system by increasing the level of glutathione in the body. Many cancer treatments deplete glutathione to the point of deficiency. Adding whey proteinĀ  to the diet, improves the immune system’s ability to fight infection and prevent the growth of tumors, according to Dr. Thomas Badger (Whey of Life).

    Whey protein is easily broken down in the digestive tract and offers diabetics a complete form of protein an efficient way of regulating blood glucose and insulin without stressing the system. Whey takes the place of lower quality proteins that may contain cholesterol and are less likely to be able to manage blood glucose levels.

    Wound Healing

    Wounds and incisions made during surgery or other medical procedures require extra protein to heal properly. Whey protein contains strong anti-microbial components that protect wounds from infection while speeding up the healing process.

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