Intestinal Parasites- An Epidemic

Intestinal Parasites- An Epidemic

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  1. Contracting intestinal parasites, better known by travelers as "Montezuma’s Revenge" "Turistas", or Aztec two step" in Mexico; and Pharaoh’s Revenge," "Mummy’s Yummy," or "Cairo Two-Step" in Egypt, is more common than people want to acknowledge.

    Coming in contact with intestinal parasites is nearly unavoidable, because they exist everywhere around us.  They live in the air we breathe, the foods we ingest as well as the water we drink.

    As a matter of fact, the most common form of contamination is through our household pets and insects!

    Parasites are especially common if you eat a lot of raw foods or rare cooked meats.

    Parasites tend to go unrecognized, except for the symptoms experienced as a result of contamination. In fact, some symptoms can go unrecognized for extended periods of time.

    In a book titled"Parasite Rex," Carl Zimmer discusses the complex strategies parasites use to insure their survival. They can mimic their hosts biochemically so that they go undetected and slip past normal defenses.

    They then fool the host into providing protection. They are not affected by vaccines nor do they behave like other diseases. Their life cycles are very complex and their defenses too complete to be treated easily.

    Once contracting intestinal parasites it is very easy for them to jump from host to host. And mimic each host biochemically to remain undetected and slip past the body’s normal defenses.

    According to University of Maryland Medical Center, Sign & Symptoms of parasites include:

    • Abdominal pain
    • Chronic Diarrhea
    • Chronic Diarrhea alternating with constipation
    • Intestinal cramps
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Gas or bloating
    • Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus)
    • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
    • Stomach pain or tenderness
    • Feeling tired
    • Weight loss
    • Passing a worm in your stool
    • Fever followed by loss of appetite
    • Muscle pain
    • Dizziness
    • Changes in appetite
    • Fowl-smelling gas
    • Indigestion
    • Bloating
    • Weakness and fatigue
    • Anal itching (especially at night)
    • Skin rashes
    • Blurred vision

    There are many different types of parasites. A few of the most common ones that infect humans are:

    · Pinwormslay eggs that can float through mid air. If unexpectedly inhaled or ingested, the eggs can live in the lungs; then move to the lower intestines, where they hatch and start a whole new cycle in a new host. Pinworms can cause anal itching. When scratched, the eggs are then transferred from the anus to the host’s fingers and whatever the fingers touch. Pinworms do not come from animals; and only can be passed from human to human.

    · Roundwormslive in the soil and can cause trichinosis which can be contracted through unwashed or raw veggies.

    · Hookworms & Threadwormsare contracted through drinking water; as well as through the bottom of someone’s feet walking through feces contaminated soil from animals carrying the worms. The larvae travel to the small intestines where they feed by taking nutrients from the intestinal walls. They multiply by laying ovum (small eggs) which can live up to 10-years before hatching. Sometimes ovum passed through feces and contaminates everything the feces touch (like when animals defecate on veggie plants). However, the rest of the ovum becomes full grown worms to hatch their own ovum as they farther develop.

    · Tapewormsalso come from raw or uncooked fish, beef or pork. Fleas, ticks or lice can also carry tapeworms. And, in some instances, children can contract them from animals carrying these fleas, lice or ticks.

    · Flukescan be harbored by small snails. Humans can come in contact with them by swimming in lakes containing the snails.

    · Protozoa, Amoebae & Fungiare the smaller kinds of intestinal parasites that can also be contracted through water and food in areas with poor sanitation; or in the muddy bottom of fresh lake water where they like to live. These are most common in South American countries.

    How to become Parasite FREE

    Parasites generally die slowly and cause much distress to the human body in the process.

    According to Dr. S. Scott, an infectious disease expert, as parasites are dying off, they release loads of extra toxins (through their excrement). Wanting to escape the now unfriendly environment, they try to burrow deeper into the intestines, causing sharp pains and cramps. And when they do die, their dead carcasses create a toxic burden that your body has to work extra-hard to eliminate.

    However, there are many parasite cleanses on the market. Most cleanses suggest repeating the method for 2-3 weeks every few months in order to kill the ovum that can hatch into new worms at later dates. Also, it is good to repeat every few months because we are constantly in contact with new sources of intestinal parasites on a daily basis.

    Although there is no conventional cure for intestinal parasites, there are things that can help aide the symptoms.

    The best treatment for intestinal parasites is to go the naturopathic route. There are many natural treatments on the market such as ParaGone and ParaFree. Although those are just 2 of the many parasite cleanses; it is important to be certain to only use treatments that consists of a combination of herbs that illuminate both adult parasites and their eggs.

    Most effective formulas use 3 key ingredients:

    1.      Black Walnut Hulls (preferably in a tincture solution- which is a alcohol abstract)

    2.      Wormwood (preferably “Artemesia” wormwood)

    3.      Cloves (preferably freshly grind whole cloves)

    If you choose not to purchase a pre-packaged cleanse, and are one of those do-it-yourself herbal specialist; here is a good at-home recipe to use:

    This recipe was taken from the following website (

    Complete Parasite Cleanse You will need:

    • Organic apple juice
    • Tincture (alcohol abstract) of black walnut hull
    • Bottle of Wormwood capsules (200-300mg each)
    • Bottle of Clove capsules (500 mg each)
    • Bottle of L-ornithine capsules (500 mg each)

    Begin the parasite cleanse around the full moon, which is when parasites are most active. Take the herbal combination 30 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach. Plan on taking 1-4 L-ornithine capsules at night if you have trouble sleeping during the cleanse.

    Week 1: Add 30 drops of the black walnut hull to one cup of organic apple juice. Drink with one capsule each wormwood and cloves. Take this dose of herbs 3 times per day.

    Week 2: Stay at 30 drops of the black walnut hull to one cup of organic apple juice. Increase the wormwood and cloves to 2 capsules each. Take this dose of herbs 3 times per day.

    Week 3: Stay at 30 drops of the black walnut hull to one cup of organic apple juice. Increase the wormwood and cloves to 3 capsules each. Take this dose of herbs 3 times per day.

    Most parasites will die within a week, but continue for at least three weeks and for up to three months. If you continue longer than three weeks, simply maintain the Week 3 dosage for the remainder of the cleanse.

    It is always important to take a pro-biotic when doing a parasite cleanse in order to keep the good intestinal bacteria in balance. Also, drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.

    The best way to avoid being terribly affected by parasites you may come in contact with is to keep your immune system healthy by eating balanced meals (well-cooked foods, and thoroughly washed fruits and veggies), stay hydrated, and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

    For more information on intestinal parasites read:

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