1. Child-led learning is a form of unschooling in which the child leads the way in which the environment is set up and what they will learn when.  Oftentimes children also decide what materials (i.e. books, resources or the natural world) are used for learning.  The premise is that children learn best whenever they are allowed to learn and explore things whenever they feel ready to do so.

    Those who are in favor of this form of learning believe that traditional education dulls a child’s interest in his world.  They also believe that children shouldn’t be encouraged to learn just so that they pass tests because then the child will forget what they have learned after they take the test.

    On the other hand, those who question this form of education question whether children really learn if they are left alone to do so.  They also state that children will miss out on learning things that they aren’t interested in.  Furthermore, they question how these children can ever be expected to function in a structured environment.

    Parents who favor this form of education do work hard to create an educationally rich environment for their child.  Some even establish some structure within this environment.

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