Home Remedies For Yeast Infections

Home Remedies For Yeast Infections

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  1. A vaginal yeast infection is caused by a fungus which is usually found within the vagina. Most women during the ages of 20-50 will have a yeast infection in their lifetime.  Things that often lead to a yeast infection are diabetes, pregnancy, steroids, antibiotics and oral contraceptives. In addition, yeast infections are quite common once a woman goes through menopause. This is due to lowered estrogen levels.

    Symptoms of a yeast infection are: pain with sexual intercourse, a burning sensation when urinating, itching and burning around the vagina, and a white vaginal discharge that may have an odor to it. However, there are home remedies that help lessen yeast infections. 

    How to Prevent Yeast Infections

    • Don’t douche.
    • Wear cotton underwear
    • Avoid long baths, and hot tubs
    • Avoid using too much soap in the vaginal area
    • Always avoid products that are scented, such as feminine hygiene sprays and tampons

    Apple cider vinegar has been used for years as a remedy for vaginal infections. With this method, you need to add three to four tablespoons of vinegar to your bath, filled with a small amount of water and bathe in for about 15 minutes.

    Believe it or not, water is another home remedy for vaginal infections. By drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water each day, it will lessen your chances of getting a yeast infection. By urinating more often, you also help your body to flush out the sugars in your body that irritate  and bring on a yeast infection.  Certain bottled water, water that is purer, is better.

    In addition, limit the amount of sugar you’re eating. Sugar, it has been found, increases the growth of yeast.  Also, wearing undergarments that have a cotton crotch helps to keep moisture away and that lessens the chance of getting a vaginal infection. Over the counter treatments such as Monistat also help in treating a vaginal infection. Such treatments are usually inexpensive and easy to use.

    One of the most important ways to prevent a yeast infection is to keep the vaginal area clean. It is important wash this area at least once a day. And, be careful about how much yeast you are eating. Eating too much bread can be a problem because there is yeast in bread and that can make the infection worse.

    There are some home remedies that can help get rid of the yeast. One way to do this is by eating yogurt. Yogurt is tasty and has within it bacteria that absorbs the yeast.  Not only is yogurt good to eat, but it has good bacteria in it that eat yeast. In addition there are two other ways to use yogurt. First, you can apply some yogurt on a pad and wear it. Another way is to dip a tampon into yogurt and place it into the vagina. This method works well because the ingredients in the yogurt work on the inside. (Take care when applying this method. It has been found to be more effective if the yogurt is not left on too long in the vaginal area. Check with your doctor first before using this method.)

    Eating a well balanced diet that is high in vegetables, whole grains and fruits also helps to prevent a yeast infection. Eating healthy is always wise and helps to prevent and fight off, infections. And, if you find that sexual intercourse is painful, then end it until your condition has cleared up. Using a lubricating jelly such as K-Y can help lessen the irritation of intercourse.

    And, of course, if your symptoms worsen or the yeast infection returns it may be wise to talk with your doctor on how to eliminate the infection and to see if something else is causing the problem.











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