hameed md

Location: Hyderabad




SWCIC- the best test tube baby center in Hyderabad India supports you with all the modern infertility treatments. IVF is one among them which has already proved its prominence with the millions of positive results all over the world. In vitro fertilization (IVF), have been available since the birth 18 years ago of Louise Brown, the world's first "test tube baby." IVF makes it possible to combine sperm and eggs in a laboratory for a baby that is genetically related to both partners. http://www.swcic.com/embryo-blastocyst-cryopreservation.php First, medication is given to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.


Embryo/Blastocyst (Freezing)Cryopreservation Embryo freezing has already proven its efficiency in fertility treatment. And SWCIC- the famous test tube baby center in Hyderabad India could come up with a success of 50 % live birth rate till now. The details are explicated below. The newer vitrification method for IVF embryo freezing is becoming a more widely used technology. In our clinic vitrification of "spare" embryos after IVF is showing much higher "post-thaw survival" and pregnancy success rates after transfer. How are frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles managed? At SWH, we use hormone replacement cycles because they have better success rates. We have a live birth rate of over 50% per transfer procedure in women under 35 for frozen-thawed transfer cycles. Blastocyst implantation in an FET cycle Embryo implantation after frozen blastocyst transfers (FET) can be slightly delayed compared to that seen with fresh blastocyst transfer. This is sometimes referred to as "late implantation", or delayed implantation. However, the embryo implantation process is not different enough to warrant changing the timing of the blood pregnancy test. Frozen blastocyst transfers should have hatching and the beginning of implantation by about 1-3 days after the FET. Early pregnancy detection following blastocyst transfer is possible with a sensitive blood assay for HCG hormone by about 9 days after a fresh or frozen blastocyst transfer..for more information you can go through...........http://www.swcic.com/embryo-blastocyst-cryopreservation.php



