Sendawula Kajubi

Location: United States

Languages: Luganda

aspiring astrobiologist and amateur illustrator.

You can call me Sendy.

I was born in Boston, MA , spent seven years in Uganda where y parents where from, moved back to Randolph, MA where I currently live.

I graduated from the University of Rochester in 2009 with a BA in Physics and Astronomy. I...




I have a BA in Astrophysics from the University of Rochester. After spending time in the real world working, i decided it's time to head back to school. I am currently in the process of looking and applying to a graduate programs to specialize in astrobiology. I have an interest in the possible distribution and future of life in the Cosmos, mainly habitable environments for us. I also have a general knowledge of astronomy, physics and mathematics. I also tutor.


I have a broad knowledge of history that I’ve been working to expand ever since I was young. I pursued a rigorous education in many fields of history. I got a 5 on the World History APs. I'd have to blame that on my grandparents—they were always taking us around to historic sites and making us read all kinds stuff when we were kids. In Uganda, they were both teachers. Even though I didn't pursue it as a major, I took advantage of my time in college taking course and educating myself in my free time.


Independent Tutor

Self Employed
I am a math and science tutor for elementary and high school aged students.



University of Rochester