Andrew Power

Location: No 2 Marcus street,Mbiama , Rivers State. Nigeria

Languages: English, Africa, French

Education is the only way to all dreams.

Hi,I am Andrew power,I have been tutoring students for a while now . My goal is to help them excel in their various course students and to have self confidence of doing what you want and to be better someone tommorow. So if you feel like you need don't hesitate to email me. Love helping people.


Tutoring field

I help those who needs help especially the students. I tutor them on how they can change their environment  positively and to look into future with confidence they can do it.

Motivational speaker

As long as you are alive ,there is hope. I coach parents and students alike who feels there is no hope again in the universe. But the truth is you got give a shot.

Computer sciences

Am a computer literate, I create and design website s ,



Bitcoin trading
November 29, 2019 - February 28, 2023
I deals with cryptocurrency by investing, mining and selling of btc in an affordable price.


Graduate School

University of Benin