Doris Hall

Location: Arizona

Languages: English, French

Writer in DoMyWriting


It's important to be responsible at your job, but school always comes first. If you find yourself unable to complete write my essay or a lengthy project, and you might need to take a sick day to finish it, you will need to make a serious decision: eith...



Many students that move into dorms find that within a few weeks they miss their parents and family members more than they thought they would, which can feel isolating and even cause some depression. These feelings could lead to throwing in the towel and heading back home.   In the months leading up to the big move, this is something parents and students should spend some time thinking and talking about. Discuss the potential ways this can affect the transition, and maybe even set up a regular schedule for visits, phone calls, and video chats. No matter what you do, you will likely still be homesick, but having these discussions before you leave can give you a sense of support in this new transition.


College isn't like high school. The classes can be long, the workload can be difficult, and there is no one there to remind you to wake up, to do your homework, or to go to class. Moreover, depending on the classes you're taking, college-level work can require considerably more critical thinking and analysis than is typically required of high school students. As a result, many students find that they simply aren't ready for these responsibilities or the level of academic work.   If you're concerned about whether you can handle this level of scholarship, check in with potential professors or students to ask about the workload and the number of hours spent studying. If the amount seems unreasonable, it may be wise to take some college prep courses over the summer.



December 12, 2015 -
Writing service


Graduate School
