Krishna Pai

Location: India

Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada

62 years old Retired. 38 years experience in chemical industries. Internet savvy. Familiar With Basic as well as advanced internet operations. Currently in website testing field. Ability to do any work with simple instructions in any field.

62 years old Retired. 38 years of experience in chemical industries. Internet savvy. Familiar With Basic as well as advanced internet operations. Currently in website testing field. Ability to do any work with simple instructions in any field.


Internet Research


Senior Engineer

Rashtriya Chemicals
September 1, 1978 - December 31, 2016
62 years old. Now Retired. 38 years of experience in chemical industries in Government organization. Internet savvy. Familiar With Basic as well as advanced internet operations. Currently in website testing field. Ability to do any work with simple instructions in any field.


Graduate School

A.V . Baliga college of Arts and Science Kumta