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Any suggestion on what color to paint studio walls?


Any suggestion on what color to paint studio walls?

Jack Evance0

Hello. It is not so simple question. I need to know more details about your interior and goals to say something really useful. Maybe you should find good interior designer and get consultations? Now I can only recommend to read articles here, there are a lot of useful information about home decoration, interior and other. Hope this help!


Susan and I painted our studio walls a kind of medium gray-green (Benjamin Moore #1490). This color seems to work especially well with painting people since their warmer skin tones stand out nicely with this as a background and it keeps too much light from bouncing off the walls and lightening up the shadows, giving you a more dramatic light effect. It’s just a lot easier to add a white board to bounce light if needed than to block a whole bunch of light walls to get rid of bounce light. It seems that many artists use this color; I first saw it at the Scottsdale Artist’s School in one of their north light studio that David Laffell requested painted this color. Below is a photo of my studio. The deer’s skull is one I found in the woods on our property. You can see the gym mat that I stand on while painting (I bought it used from the YMCA when they were getting new ones). My easel is a Hughes, counterbalanced one, bought from Wind River Arts. The black portion of the wall is where I hang

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