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Are bearded dragons good pets for kids 10,6,15?


Are bearded dragons good pets for kids 10,6,15?


I would say yes. Bearded Dragons are one of the more docile and friendly lizard species in the lizard pet trade. Unlike many large Monitor lizards and smaller lizards like Anoles, some people who have encountered Bearded Dragons argue the reptiles actually enjoy human contact and to be handled by humans. However, it is widely accepted they are at best simply indifferent to human contact. Although they may assume a defensive position, they very rarely bite, scratch, or otherwise attack a human. They are likable and get the owner lots of attention, especially if you take them out and about for a walk (providing it isn’t too cold) in fact civilians have been known to stop people and take pictures. As a result, Bearded Dragons are a suitable reptile for a house with children provided hands are washed after contact.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.