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Can Color Therapy Heal?


Can Color Therapy Heal?


Conventional Medicine and Color Conventional medicine does not dispute the fact that light is important to health. We need to be exposed to full spectrum sunlight, which contains all colors, on a regular basis to stay healthy. Even conventional medical practitioners use specific colors to treat illness. For example, ultraviolet light is directed to the affected area in the treatment of acne and psoriasis. And a premature baby with the liver condition, hyperbiliruminemia, is treated with blue light. How Does Color Therapy Work? Albert Einstein said that “All forms of matter are really light waves in motion.” The field of color therapy believes that colors with their different frequencies and vibrations affect different areas of our body and that our organs and tissues need the same energy frequencies as contained in those colors to stay healthy. If there is disease or injury, the vibrations and energy from that area of your body will be disturbed. When colored light enters our eyes, col

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.