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Does Shloer Red Grape have the same health benefits as red wine?

grape health benefits red shloer Wine

Does Shloer Red Grape have the same health benefits as red wine?


Well we aren’t nutritionists at Shloer, but we do know how to make delicious sparkling juice and repeat what we’ve read. Our red grape flavours contain a small percentage of resveratrol as it is found in the skins & seeds of red grapes. It is only a minor phenolic compound (anti-oxidant) which MAY be beneficial to heart conditions. If in doubt, please speak your physician.


To je bila velika stvar v mojem življenju… Kdo je kupil pobeni, sem se potutil je tako slab, da so bili vsi šokirani zaradi take mačke gap. Judje, poskusite. Mimogred, opaženi stranski učinki, ampak, ta problem bo moralno jamranje, to je nepravilna bolezen.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.