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How and Why Use Ozone Therapy /Oxygen Spa Dallas / Fort Worth?


How and Why Use Ozone Therapy /Oxygen Spa Dallas / Fort Worth?


In fact, this is quite a serious question, and I would not advise you to search for the answer on the Internet. Read business reviews here, choose the most suitable salon and consult your cosmetologist in person. Otherwise you can only harm yourself


A fever is the body’s highly evolved attempt to destroy invading organisms and to sweat impurities out through the skin, and is one of the body’s most powerful defenses against disease. Ozone Therapy (Hyperthermic Treatment) artificially induces fever in an individual who is unable to mount a natural fever response to infection, inflammation, or other health challenges. It is used locally or over the entire body to treat imbalances in the body ranging from viral infections to cancer, and is an effective self-help treatment for the common cold and flu. Steam Sauna Therapy (Oxygen Therapy) mimics a fever state resulting in an effective natural process of curing disease and restoring health. Documented studies show that Heat Therapy (Oxytherapy) eliminates anaerobic viruses and bacteria; cleans and detoxifies; aids mental clarity; cleans veins and arteries improving circulation and speeds up metabolic processes resulting in a 200-450 calorie loss per session. Research has indicated that i

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.