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How can Capsular Contracture be prevented?

capsular contracture

How can Capsular Contracture be prevented?


• Textured implants help deter contracture because of their rough surface which is intended to discourage a hard capsule from forming. • Under the muscle (sub-pectoral or ‘partial sub-muscular’) placement of the implant reduces risk of capsular contracture by an average of 8 – 10%. Whereas over the muscle (in front of the muscle or ‘sub-mammary’) has 10 – 25% or more chance of capsule contracture. Complete unders (total sub-musculofascial) provide even more protection. • Massage and or compression. This is usually only done with smooth implants and may be suggested for a period between a few weeks to as long as you have your implants. Do not massage bruises! More can be found on Dr. DeWire’s massage page. • The “no-touch” technique. This method includes meticulously re-washing surgical gloves before handling any instrument and implants. Only the head surgeon touches the implant, using a unique Teflon cutting board and immediately inserting the implant underneath the muscle. All of thes

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.