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How do I change the attributes (font size, or color) for multiple type layers?

color font layers size type

How do I change the attributes (font size, or color) for multiple type layers?


• If you have a lot of type layers and need to change one or more of the attributes for all of them you can do them all together. Start by linking all the type layers (click on one of the type layers in the Layers palette and then click on the link box to the right of the eyeball icon for all other type layers that you want to change). • Press the Shift key and select the type tool if it s not already selected. DO NOT click on the document. • On the type tool s options bar, make the changes that you want applied to all the linked layers (such as changing font size or color). How can I alter or correct the tones of only one part of an image? Here are four methods for lightening or darkening an area of an image: • Use the Dodge tool. Set Range to Highlights, Midtones, or Shadows according to where you want to lighten. Make sure Exposure is set to 10 % of less. Do not use a higher Exposure setting! Use a large, soft brush and stroke repeatedly to get the desired degree of lightening. To d

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.