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How Do You Do A Fake Wing Time Step In Tap Dancing?


How Do You Do A Fake Wing Time Step In Tap Dancing?


In this time-step variation, the dancer does a “fake” wing; it looks and sounds like a wing, but she is not doing it on her supporting foot, so it’s not the real McCoy. However, whether real or fake, a wing is a challenging step to master. This step would be considered a “buck” time step because it begins with a stomp, whereas the traditional or standardized time step begins with a shuffle hop. Stomp on your right foot to the front on the count of “8.” A stomp bears no weight. (For an explanation of counts and beats, see the Tips section.) Brush to the back on your right foot on the count of “and.” You have stomped in the previous step; now lift your right foot and swipe the ball of your foot against the floor as you are brushing to the back. Hop on your left foot on the count of “a,” then step down on your right foot on the count of “2.” Do a flap step (which is a brush step to the front, putting your weight on the step) on your left foot on the count of “a 3.” Execute a wing on your

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