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How Do You Kill Argentinian Ants?


How Do You Kill Argentinian Ants?


Argentine ants are a common pest in many parts of the world. Measuring approximately two millimeters in size, the tiny ants have spread from Argentina to form massive colonies across South America as well as several parts of the United States, Europe and Japan. While the Argentine ant does not bite humans and does not easily spread diseases, it is incredibly dangerous to crops, often forming mutually beneficial relationships with aphids. Each Argentine ant colony can have multiple ant queens, making them resistant to extermination. Close potential entrances to the house or property by closing, weather stripping and caulking windows. Seal cracks, crevices and any gaps between the front and back door and the floor. Inspect potted plants to make sure that they are free of ants before bringing them indoors. Sanitize areas of ant infestation by use bleach, or detergent in areas where bleach is not safe, to clean all countertops, tables and other places. Immediately clean spilled food, espec

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.