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How Do You Make Baskets Out Of Margarine Tubs?


How Do You Make Baskets Out Of Margarine Tubs?


Plastic margarine tubs are one more thing that clutters our landfills. Some people save them for storing and leftovers, but you can also make them into cute baskets to give your holiday gifts in. First choose a fabric. I like to use flower prints and fabric that won’t fray when cut. Measure your container from the top of one side down, across the bottom and up the other side and add 3 inches. This will be the diameter of the cirle you will cut out After you have cut out the circle, fold it in half and cut about one inch scallops along the open side. Measure a piece of ribbon to fit around the top one and a half times. Place your tub in the middle of your circle and bring it up all the sides. It should have about a 1 1/2 inch overhang for the ruffle. Using you hole punch, make holes through the fabric and tub, just below the lip about an inch apart all around the tub. Weave your ribbon in and out of the holes around the tub. Now tie a knot and then a bow with the excess ribbon. To make

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.