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How Do You Remove Grass Stains On Feet?


How Do You Remove Grass Stains On Feet?


Listen. Look for the herbicide that you mix with water. Ask a hardware representative at your local hardware store if they know anything about the best crabgrass killer that you hook up to your garden hose and apply it to your lawn that way.


The warm weather of spring and summer often invites children and adults to enjoyable outdoor activities. Warm weather also invites playfulness on the lawn and the resulting grass stains. Sliding or slipping on grass can leave a stubborn stain on clothing and skin. To remove grass stains from skin and feet, use a few common household items. Apply liquid dish soap to a damp wash cloth. Rub the grass stain with the damp wash cloth and soap. Work the soap into the stain. Rub the stain out using a scrub brush. Reapply soap to the stain with the damp wash cloth. Continue to rub the grass stain with the scrub brush until it is completely removed. Pour warm, not hot, water into a bucket. Make sure the bucket is large enough for you to place your feet in. Place your grass-stained feet into the bucket of warm water and allow to soak for 3 to 5 minutes. Add 2 to 3 caps full of vinegar to the warm water. Rub the grass stains out using a scrub brush. Apply vinegar directly to the brush for stubborn

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.