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How Do You Soak Feet In Epsom Salt?


How Do You Soak Feet In Epsom Salt?


The use of Epsom salts, or mineral magnesium sulfate, has been documented as from the Elizabethan period in England, but the substance may have had use as a therapeutic aid for far longer. The name comes from a region in England known for its mineral-rich natural springs. These springs were frequented by those seeking relief from various ailments, often with great success. Today, Epsom salts have retained their popularity for being an effective relief from muscle aches, sprains, and other discomforts. Relieving sore and fatigued feet is one of the more common ways Epsom salts are used in the modern era. Fill a large, wide basin with enough hot water to submerge both feet completely. The water should be as hot as you can comfortably tolerate. Boil four or five additional cups of water in a separate saucepan or teapot. Gather about a quarter-cup of fresh lavender flowers and crush, or bruise them slightly between your fingers to help release their fragrance. Add the flowers to the hot wa

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.