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How effective was FDRs new deal?


How effective was FDRs new deal?


The post above gives some of the important information about the New Deal, made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), but I’m afraid it doesn’t answer the question. How effective was it? That depends on how you look at it. In some ways it was nice, in others a serious problem. Did the program keep people working and provide an amount of hope that people needed? Oh yes, it certainly did that. Did it help actually bring the country out of the Great Depression? Not at all, in fact, the opposite. The government worked itself into a deeper problem, all the government sponsored programs increased the cost for everyone. The government had to pay the workers, which required the government taking in more taxes or going into debt. Neither one of those things helps an economy flourish. What helped fix the Great Depression? At the start of it, several of the infamous “robber barons” of industry invested their person fortunes to keep the American banking system from completely collapsing. This event

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