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How much cranberry juice and sugar do I use with one pectin to make cranberry jelly?

cranberry Jelly juice pectin sugar

How much cranberry juice and sugar do I use with one pectin to make cranberry jelly?


I have never made it before. I was not able to find an “approved” home-size recipe for cranberry jelly anywhere. My commercial canning resources suggest that you do not have to add pectin at all, just mix one part cranberries with one part sugar (weight to weight) with enough water to just cover the berries. Cook the mixture until the temperature reaches 216 F. Another approach is the following (which is not from an approved source, but looks like it should work): Cook one quart of cranberries and one cup of water in a covered dish five or six minutes. Then with a pestle, press them through a fine sieve. Stir in two cups of sugar and, without reheating, turn the mixture into a mould. Do not return to the fire after the sugar is added or the mixture will not jelly. The strong acid of the cranberry in connection with high heat “splits” the sugar and interferes with the jellying process This may not be what you are looking for, but it might be a way to start. There is no danger of cranber

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