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Is breast implant rupture common after breast augmentation surgery, what are the consequences, and what is the treatment?


Is breast implant rupture common after breast augmentation surgery, what are the consequences, and what is the treatment?


Breast enlargement implants collapse when either saline or silicone that is contained within them leaks out through a broken valve (saline breast implants only), or a tear in the implant shell (both silicone and saline implants). Saline is reabsorbed rapidly, and a dramatic change in size will be noted by the patient within days. Silicone breast implants rupture may go undetected, may present with a slight change in shape from one breast to the other, or may have a more pronounced difference in size between the two breasts. Many rupture events go unexplained, but may be due to inherent defects in the implant with worsening over time. Known reasons for deflation consist of overfilling or underfilling saline breast implants, obvious causes such as undetected damage to the breast implants in surgery (tears, needle holes, etc.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.