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Pine bark beetles killed my Monterey pine tree. What other trees can I plant, that the beetle will not kill?


Pine bark beetles killed my Monterey pine tree. What other trees can I plant, that the beetle will not kill?


Pine bark beetles, especially the western pine beetle and the engraver beetles (Ips spp.) attack pines weakened by old age, severe drought, root rot, or other stress factors. The Monterey pine is very susceptible to attack when it is planted in San Diego County because this tree is native to the central coast of California which receives more rain and has cooler weather than we experience in southern California. Pine species like the Italian stone pine and Aleppo pine which tolerate a drier, hotter climate are better adapted in southern California and are less susceptible to attack by pine beetles. However, all pines including these species may be killed by bark beetles when the trees are under sufficient stress and when a large population of beetles is present. If you want to plant another pine, make sure it is planted in a deep well-drained soil and provide adequate irrigation during dry weather. Pine bark beetles do not attack other conifers including deodar cedar and incense cedar.

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