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What does spatial mean on my IQ test?


What does spatial mean on my IQ test?


Spatial aptitude is a measurement of your ability to understand spaces. You basically have a good idea of scale, dimension, distances and mass. This is something that would suggest that you’d do well in engineering, design, art (sculpture, 3d modeling, etc.) or even precision sports like tennis or golf, although your motor-skills play a bigger part in that. As far as your question regarding if this will help in biology or zoology, i’d have to say I.Q. measures your potential alone. Think of it this way, anything you score high on you have a slight head start on compared to most people. The lower scores just mean you’ll have to put that much more effort into it. In the end, you’ll be whatever you want to be. Me for example 141 on my last I.Q. test, that was when I was much younger. I have always scored very high in math, but I have no interest in it. I am not a mathematician, nor do I plan to be.


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