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Divorce mediation is about you and your soon to be ex-spouse deciding your own divorce and what is best for the both of you and most importantly, your children. In mediation, you and your spouse meet with a neutral third party, the mediator, and with their help, you work through the issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as amicably and cost effective as possible. The issues covered include but at not limited to the following:

1. Distribution of Property (Assets/Liabilities)

2. Child Custody and Parenting Time

3. Child Support/Maintenance

4. Retirement

5. Taxes

You can request a divorce mediator consultation from this firm –


Couples can use mediation to come up with an agreement (rather than each hiring an attorney to negotiate the terms, costing as much as $15-25,000 for each of them) and then take the agreement to an attorney who will handle the final steps in the establishing a legal separation and, ultimately, a divorce. You can locate information on divorce attorneys in this area here. After divorce as children age and enter different stages of life, parents can make revisions to the existing custody and support agreement. Also, unmarried parents can use mediation to establish a parenting plan for issues of custody, visitation and support. A helpful resource for parents who are making co-parenting plans is About Ball Mediation Back to Home Page HOW DO WE KNOW WE CAN MAKE MEDIATION WORK? There are at least four necessary criteria for a successful mediation: 1) the motivation to mediate, 2) the self-responsibility of both parties, 3) the willingness to disagree and 4) the w

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.