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What qualifies as sexual harassment or gender discrimination?


What qualifies as sexual harassment or gender discrimination?


Hi! It is rather a hard question that is always became discussing in all the courts. It is often hard to prove that someone had real sexual harassment. In this question, only nice lawyers can help to realize your right. If you are really interested in this aspect I recommend you to visit . This agency is based in New York and it works well for many years. It has a great number of happy clients and their reviews can prove its professionalism.

Andrew Arst

The fact that it still is an issue in many regions is a huge disappointment. It seems like people are stuck in the previous century with their mentality and they just can’t move on. I hope that in a few decades the problem will be solved.


The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits discrimination in the form of harassment based on the sex of an employee. Harassment includes discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. Sexual harassment also includes unwanted sexual advances.

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