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When will there be a WNFL(Womens National Football League)?


When will there be a WNFL(Womens National Football League)?


I am not sure about the dates, but I am really waiting for this because it is an amazing opportunity to earn some money on this. I mean that I fond of sport betting on different platforms like Parimatch and the women league is one of the most predictable leagues ever. I don’t understand why, but girls play really stable


Oh, I’ve heard about few of them. You totally need to search it out.


As several others have already stated, there are already 2 womens football leagues; The NWFA and the IWFL. Both of these leagues play in the spring (like right now); like how the WNBA plays off season from the NBA. As for how exciting these games are – they are actually better then watching the Pro’s (aka: Men). These women are playing for the passion of the game, and are not under contract and getting paid millions of dollars. These ladies have regular full-time jobs, pay for their own uniforms (& gear), pay for their own travel to away game which includes airfare, hotel and food. I happen to be one of these players. I’ve played in both leagues, and this is now my 4th year playing. In the IWFL, their season opens this weekend. I believe that the NWFA either opens their season this weekend or next. If you have a team in your area in either of the leagues, go and check out a game. They can use the ticket sales to help pay for the field ($2000 per game x 4 home games), and to help off-se

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