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Why isn my youtube video showing up in search?

Computers internet search video youtube

Why isn my youtube video showing up in search?


I fully support the previous answers, but I just want to add that in order for people to love watching and stay with you, you need to learn how to make high-quality content. Top YouTube cameras will help you, as well as the Internet is full of ideas for cool videos


There are a lot of different services that are helping to optimize youtube and to make it popular in search. I was using youtube engagement rate formula which is a pretty good oppotunity to make in popular and interesting for the followers. It can show all metrics, gives the full analysis and also it is free for some of first uses.


You need to check or fill out the important meta description correctly. Elements such as the title of your video, video description, and tags greatly affect the search ranking. Also, you need to make sure that you have opened your video for indexing by the YouTube search. The final factor may be that your title is not unique, and your video is just somewhere at the bottom of the search.
To promote your video, it is always better to use the right methods, such as improving the quality and value of your content for users, good promotion methods. You can use services such as YouTube channel promotion, if it is available to you on a budget, to quickly reach a new audience and get the first followers


Here’s the simple answer

Fix your keywords and titles. In addition, enable likes and comments. Youtube recommendation algorithm doesn’t like “closed” videos. Hope it helps.


Even though your video successfully uploaded and “processed”, YouTube’s servers must still “check” it for any possible copyright violations, “convert” it to their Flash format, and after that “database”, “index” and “categorize” the video such that people around the world can access and watch your video. This whole other kind of processing sometimes takes 1 or 2 days, and explains why you may get one of the following: — your video has not even shown up yet either on your channel or under “My Videos” — your video is under “My Videos” but the thumb is YouTube’s grey-&-white camera — your video is on your channel but:…”The video you have requested is not available” — your video is “Live” and public but not in search results when you type the full title Like I said, the whole process can sometimes take several days. How long has it really been since YouTube got and processed your video? Also keep in mind that “My Videos”, channels and “search results” are not all updated at the same

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.