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Would a petty crime i commited 22 years ago stop me from getting a job in airport security?


Would a petty crime i commited 22 years ago stop me from getting a job in airport security?


Hi it would depend on the seriousness of the crime and whether or not in the UK you received a criminal record. Many jobs that involve working with vulnerable people or in positions of trust may require a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check. Even so, most criminal convictions are considered ‘spent’ after 7 years but again this would depend on the nature of the crime. Employess are adopting a more understanding approach these days and even if someone has a record may consider their appropriateness on merit and circumstance. I doubt that a minor crime that perhaps didn’t result in a criminal conviction should preclude you from working for them especially if you have an otherwise good record. If you have got a record or have received a police caution or warning it is probably spent by now and so disclosure may not be required.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.