Sex and Older Women: Insight for Younger and Older Men Alike

Sex and Older Women: Insight for Younger and Older Men Alike

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  1. Words to the Wise

    TV personality Andy Rooney once said, "Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Her libido’s stronger, her fear of pregnancy gone. Her experience of lovemaking is honed and reciprocal and she’s lived long enough to know how to please a man in ways her daughter could never dream of. (Young men, you have something to look forward to.)"   And while Mr. Rooney may not be an accepted authority on sexuality–that of older women or otherwise–many men in the know would contend that he knows well of what he speaks.


    The Illusion of What is "Sexy"

    As we all know, we live in a world-society that consistently equates youth with beauty and sexuality. Most product ad campaigns in the US and throughout much of the world often depict the ideal woman as having a young, "perfect" body–lacking wrinkles, an extra once of fat, or naturally occurring breasts that have begun to sag with time.

    Over the past century, this youthful image has come to represent the cultural ideal as to what we should deem sexy and sexually arousing. Thus, as women of our society age — as with a growing number of cultures throughout of the world — they are dispirited; made to feel less sexually alluring, with less to offer in bed. But does this youth-oriented depiction reflect the reality of older woman–their bodies, their needs, or how effective they are as lovers?

    Not by a long shot. In fact, as any experienced man can tell you, older women have far more to offer than women half their age.


    Misconceptions . . .

    One long-standing misconception shamefully promoted by the medical and psychological professions (and reinforced by the media) is that once a woman ages beyond child-baring years, she has no further need of sexual attention. (A womb that no longer promotes reproduction, is no longer interested in intercourse.)  But is this premise true?

    Not at all. In fact, while some women do experience a decrease in libido following menopause (for a variety of physiological and psychological reasons), surveys show that many actually experience an increase in sex drive like at no time before in their lives.

    According to a recent study reported on, many women cite the decreased anxiety of getting pregnant, along with fewer child-rearing responsibilities, as providing a sense of freedom and sexual abandon never available to them in younger years.  

    And while the desire to have sex like proverbial rabbits may not come with this new-found freedom, the focus often shifts from quantity to quality, with many women interested in pleasing their partners as never before. Willing to dedicate more time to achieving satisfaction for both themselves as well as their partners. (Something men of any age can certainly appreciate.)


    The Perfect Combination: Sexually Adventurous, Carnally Creative, No More Inhibition

    What can be said about experience that isn’t apparent?

    Men who underestimate the sexual experience a woman can accumulate throughout the course of her lifetime not only misjudge female maturity, but cheat themselves out of pleasure only a woman with years behind her can share. Older, more experienced women are familiar (and often skilled) with a variety of sexual techniques, practiced in a number of sexually-pleasing methods, and know when, where, and how to utilize various sexual positions.

    And what can be most alluring about sex with an older women is that once their many attributes are appreciated, they often become more sexually adventurous, less inhibited, and more carnally creative than their younger counterparts. Older women typically know how to make the best of a sexual encounter and experience each encounter to the fullest–making them more patient, considerate, thoughtful, and playful lovers!

    So, whether you’re 25 or 65, take a page from Mr. Rooney (or myself). A wise man knows that older women are an exciting joy to get to know better!

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