1. Some people fear facing reality
    Some fear losing gravity…
    Some people fear falling in Love…
    Some fear judgment from up above...
    Some people fear Hate…
    Some fear accepting fate…
    Some people fear letting others down…
    Some fear smiling, so they only frown…
    Some people fear being alone in life…
    Some fear friends are walking behind them with a knife…
    Some people fear failing…
    Some fear never catching up, always trailing…

    Personally, my biggest fear in life are heights…
    Others sleep with a light on, fearful of the unknown on the moonless nights…
    Some fears are physical and the others are in the head…
    Then what makes them hard to overcome if within your thoughts they’re breed?…

    Flying, bungee jumping, skydiving are all fears that can be conquered inside your brain…
    Acceptance, Appearance, Loneliness and Love are some fears that can drive you insane…

    I realize that sometimes I ramble and I tend to go off on a rant…
    So when my mind needs to vent I pick up a pen but at times self doubt says I can’t…
    I fear people won’t care about or understand what I have to share and say…
    This is one of the many battles we face within ourselves every single day…

    But no matter what I fear, don’t patronize the struggles my mind goes through…
    Whether big or small, my fears affect me, and eventually could affect you too…
    Sometimes facing my fears is like trying to slam a revolving door…
    I try to remind myself, it took fear for one man to lead a Army and courage to win the War…
    "Fear is the beginning of wisdom." said W.T. Sherman.
    Anything can be learned from fear as long as you can spell determine.

    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." claimed our 32nd President.
    The problem with that is not every solution to overcoming fear is evident…
    Sadly, a lot people I’ve met have more to fear then fear itself…
    I don’t consider struggle and fear to mean broke… I consider it untapped emotional wealth.
    Some fears are overwhelming… Such as "How can I keep the roof over our heads while still putting food on the table?"
    Or "How can I teach my kids anything is possible when I, myself am not even able?"
    Sometimes your hands slip off the wheel and you lose the ability to steer…
    Emotions such as guilt, shame and hopelessness make things more complicated then just dealing with that fear…
    It helps realizing some fears cannot be solved by simply facing them…
    But remembering, even a blossoming rose starts with a thorny stem…

    Then there are fears such as "I have to speak in front of class?"
    "But I’m afraid! What happens if I look like an ass."
    There is a chance you might, but these are the fears that you, along with the help from yourself, can make it through…
    Anyone who is someone knows exactly how it feels to face self doubt yet still do what they needed to do…

    I wonder, is it actually possible, or even healthy for one to overcome fear?
    Can doubt in one self be good for the mind? Somehow helping it become clear?
    The mind is a powerful tool. Memories, Dreams and Knowledge are just a few things it can create…
    While facing fear your mind is completely consumed, it forces you to focus, to think, sparking a internal debate.
    While standing there, stuck within your thoughts, pausing life to hesitate…
    Remember that just knowing your fears is accepting your fate…

    We face fear everyday…
    Each of us in a different way…
    It seems to me though, that fear is being taught but not everyone is learning…
    People seeing fear but ignoring the good and becoming ignorant to the wisdom is concerning…
    Do we teach Love and learn from Hate?
    Or are the only emotions we grow from the ones that make us feel great?
    Do we study every tear and memorize every smile?
    If we don’t appreciate every feeling then feelings will never be worthwhile.

    So Unless we grow day by day and become more aware year after year,
    Self doubt will spread to every corner of your mind and fear will breed fear.


    -Joshua H. Bergner  AKA JHB

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