Basic Gardening Tools

Basic Gardening Tools

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  1. Profile photo of Melissa Murphy

    Gardening is a fun hobby that doesn’t have to be expensive.  Although, there are many garden tools available at home improvement centers, there are only a few that you really need to have a beautiful garden.

    • Gardening gloves and knee pads.  Much of the digging and weeding work involved in gardening is done on your knees, so it makes sense to invest in some comfortable gloves and knee pads for safety and comfort.
    • Round-ended shovel.  This tool is a must-have for digging large holes for planting trees and shrubs.
    • Bow rake.  With its short tines attached to a metal frame, this rake is used after the soil has been broken up to level the planting surface.
    • Hoe.  A hoe is a necessary tool for weeding, as well as for keeping the soil tilled and aerated around plants.  This action allows the roots of young plants to be able to absorb necessary moisture and nutrients more efficiently.
    • Hose, sprinkler, or watering can.  In addition to rainfall, most gardens require supplementary watering.  For small gardens or patio gardens, a simple watering can will suffice.  For larger gardens, a water hose with a sprinkler attached is an appropriate choice.
    • Pruners.  As the name implies, pruners, also called clippers or trimmers, are for pruning overgrowth, thinning, or removing dead branches.  Be sure and select a hand pruner that has a comfortable fit.


    Fortunately, gardening is one of those hobbies that does not require a large amount of expensive tools.  By choosing a few basic tools, you can create the right tools can help you create the garden of your dreams.

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