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After drinking Maxmyer NanoCalcium, why do some people experience constipation?


After drinking Maxmyer NanoCalcium, why do some people experience constipation?


Reasons for constipation may include: 1. After initially beginning to drink Maxmyer NanoCalcium, the body begins to absorb the water in an effort to heal itself. As a result, the water needed for defecation becomes inadequate and constipation occurs. 2. When the body lacks NanoCalcium, it absorbs as much NanoCalcium as possible into the large intestine, so that minimum NanoCalcium will be lost during bowl movements. Therefore, because the body is lacking NanoCalcium, it may become constipated after drinking Maxmyer NanoCalcium. The body wants to absorb the good-quality water in large amounts. This state is temporary, and you can drink a more concentrated Maxmyer NanoCalcium mixture (two packs to one gallon of drinking water), or a green vegetable juice mix with the concentrated Maxmyer NanoCalcium.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.