Are car color choices determined by age, gender or ethnic group?
Almost certainly “no”. There would definitely be societal preferences and since people often tend to group themselves according to the dimensions you listed and “like what their friends like”, you could probably find some correlation. However, it is quite rare that someone purchases a car that is their preferred color. First of all, not that many people special order a car. Instead they purchase what is on the lot and available for a perceived better price. Secondly, most cars only come in a limited range of colors. These two facts of the automobile market mean that measures of the colors sold and peoples’ preferences bear little relationship to one another. It is an interesting topic and there are those who spend a lot of time “predicting” what colors people will like in forthcoming products. However these predictions are self-fulfilling prohpecies since the manufacturers use the predicitons to put the products out into the market and people are forced to purchase what is available. T