Are dreams symbolic, with hidden meanings?
No they are not. It’s a myth propagated by Freud and his contemporaries who believed that all our primitive desires were suppressed from our delicate conscious minds, and had to emerge in coded dreams. Likewise, the modern ‘symbolic interpretations’ are nonsense. For instance, if you dream of running water, that is the essence of it (there may be a threat of drowning for instance). The water does not ‘symbolise’ the ‘water of life’ or describe your mood. Are dreams predictive? No. How can they be? And yet it sometimes appears so. But it is pure statistics. For instance, every night, millions of people will dream that one of their parents has died. By inevitable chance, someone’s parent WILL die the next day and the dream will be taken (wrongly) as being a premonition. In fact, if you have such a dream, its function is to stimulate you into being more protective of your family, without whom you will be disadvantaged in life. Why can’t I remember my dreams? You’re unlucky. But even so, y