Are even the top movie quotes always as meaningful when seen just in print, not heard?
It usually doesn’t take someone long to answer when they are asked, “Hey, what’s your favorite movie quote?” But if you are asked why you love it, or what it means to you, sometimes you are completely stumped. When I chose to write this I sat down and wrote every movie quote I could think of, and narrowed it down to about 20. After that, I took that list and went through every single one, trying to remember what it was that made it special, and what meanings it had to me. The result is my very own (drum roll please) top 10 movie quotes list. Now before you begin reading, know that not every quote on here is the norm for “meaningful.” Some of these are quite funny. However you will understand why I chose these when we get to it. Sources:
We’ve all read lists of top movie quotes. If you’ve seen the movie, perhaps you can conjure up the image and sound of the words in your mind, but if you haven’t seen the movie, the quotes, even the best of them, may leave you bemused. This shows how much we’ve grown accustomed to marry the written word to sound and image. Is Rhett Butler’s parting shot at Scarlett as meaningful without being able to see Rhett’s face and Scarlett’s as she hears the words? Doubtful. How about Darth Vader’s memorable revelation to Luke Skywalker? If you don’t know they’re locked in battle when the words are spoken, they may leave you knowing more but not knowing the impact of the word, for instance. So, no, just reading a list of memorable movie quotes isn’t as meaningful as hearing them in context.