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essences flower homeopathic



In essence, no, although they are often referred to as homeopathics due to their many similarities. The differences are mostly technical. Flower essences can be distinguished from homeopathics, herbal remedies and essential oils by the parts of the plants used, the methods of selection and preparation, and by the method of action. Flower essences deserve their own place as very special vibrational remedies. HOW DO FLOWER ESSENCES WORK? Like homeopathic remedies, flower essences are vibrational in nature and work through the various human energy fields, which in turn influence mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Their most significant impact comes from re-balancing emotional states, which are believed to be the causative factors behind most, if not all, illness. It is important to note that flower essences are not drugs. They do not alter moods by altering brain chemistry. As vibrational remedies, they are incapable of in of invasive manipulation. Rather, flower essences encoura

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.