Are Genisoy products vegan?
Many Genisoy products are suitable for vegan’s. Please contact customer service at 1-888-Genisoy for more information regarding our vegan-friendly products. What are isoflavones? Isoflavones, a type of phytochemical or plant chemical, are found almost exclusively in soy. They are considered by most to be responsible for the observed health benefits (lowering cholesterol, reducing menopause discomforts, and preventing osteoporosis). Some isoflavones are phytoestrogens, meaning that their chemical structure is similar to estrogen. They are a weak form of estrogen-apparently acting like the hormone in some circumstances and blocking its action in others. This has led some to extract the isoflavones and use them in supplement form. But many believe that the health benefits are maximized when the isoflavones are consumed as part of soy protein. Other possible beneficial phytochemicals in soy include saponins, phytic acid, and protease inhibitors. What isoflavones are found in soy? What is t