Are insulin dependent diabetics qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle?
Guidance: The transportation bill of 2005 (SAFETEA-LU) requires the FMCSA to modify its exemption program to allow individuals who use insulin to treat diabetes mellitus to operate CMVs in interstate commerce without having to demonstrate safe driving experience operating a CMV while using insulin. FMCSA will begin accepting applications for exemptions under the new criteria on November 8, 2005 . These changes will remain in effect until FMCSA completes a rulemaking to revise the FMCSRs to allow drivers with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (ITDM) to operate CMVs in interstate commerce in accordance with the applicable statutory standards. Additional information can be obtained from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration at Applications for Intrastate waivers are obtained through the Michigan State Police, Motor Carrier Division, waiver board. 517-336-6416.