Are the Duty Free shops at Schipol Airport open on 25 December 2008?
When you arrive on a long haul at Schiphol, not leaving by an other plane, you can not buy in the shops in ‘duty free’ area. To buy anything other than some drinks for direct use you need a boarding card. If you are at Schiphol for a connection you will have/get a boarding card and can buy at the shops, do not expect real bargains, (and know your prices at home/destination) but you might just find that one shop you need. I do not know if the shops are open, so I looked it up on internet. They claim to be open 7 days a week, and do not mention closing days now, but knowing the Netherlands at Christmas, only a very limited amount of shops is likely to be open on 25-12. If it is important for you, contact the airport and ask:… If you want to do your shopping on Schiphol but are not allowed to do it in the duty free part, there is a ‘mall’ just on the airport compl