Are the Healingherbs flower essences prepared from the same sites that Dr. Bach used?
There are many changes in the original sites Dr. Bach used to prepare his remedies in the 1930s. Some have been overrun by development, others are polluted or disease-infested. Julian Barnard has a living connection to Dr. Bach’s work and uses discrimination and sensitivity to select the proper environments for today’s floral medicines. Often this involves many miles of travel and many days of patient observation. Each essence is made at a time when the plants are at the perfection of their bloom, in an environment in which all the life forces are in balance. The English Elm (Ulmus procera), for example, has been ravaged by the Dutch Elm disease. The epidemic reached a climax in 1935, the year Bach prepared the Elm flower remedy. Barnard comments, “The thought that such handsome and majestic trees should be laid low by a passing fungus seems ironical, but the strongest of us can be assailed by weakness. That is the quality of the remedy state — it is for those who are succeeding in lif