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Are there any household items that can safely bleach hair?


Are there any household items that can safely bleach hair?


lemon does work, actually. Sqeezing it on your hair before going out into the sun will lighten your hair. Rinsing your hair with lemon will help strip it of buildup (to give an added shine) and is also supposed to give added shine to highlights or make blondes blonder. It’s good for your hair in the way it strips buildup and because it’s an acid, but it also does dry out hair a bit, so mixing it with some honey might be good….honey is a good natural moisturizer to wash your hair with, and plus, it’s a bleach too, so using it alot would lighten your hair. I don’t know about how to just do your streak though, if you don’t want the rest of your hair to lighten…unless you’re really careful 😛 Good luck.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.