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Are there any special challenges involved in writing a book that tackles four generations of one family?


Are there any special challenges involved in writing a book that tackles four generations of one family?


I come from a big family myself and find it fascinating to try to understand the different points of view from just about everyone on just about everything. We’re very close, and have never had a major fight, but there are times when we really grate on each other’s nerves. Once a year we have a weeklong family reunion at the beach where we rediscover that some of us are smokers while others hate and despise smoke. Some of us use up all the hot water forcing the others to take cold showers. Dad goes for a long father-daughter walk with one sister and only walks for ten minutes with the others. And we think, “Dad always did like her best.” By the third day of the reunion the grating on the nerves commences. For instance, once I told a sister that I love Bonnie Raitt. She said, “Bonnie Raitt’s a country-western singer.” I said, “She is not! I hate country-western and I love Bonnie Raitt. She’s a rhythm and blues singer.” She said, “Is not!” I said, “Is too!” See what I mean? Two grown wom

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.