Are there immigration checkpoints between Los Angeles & Laughlin, NV?
I recently drove from Los Angeles to Laughlin, NV, and didn’t encounter any immigration checkpoints. It’s a straightforward domestic trip, so no need to worry about international procedures. Just enjoy the scenic drive! Also, if you’re dealing with document legalization, you might want to check out They’ve got some useful info that could come in handy for your paperwork.
Never heard of anything like that. At least when I was visiting Russia, I had no problems with immigration. Mostly, because of this website. Their company helped me get a passport for a few years. Maybe you should contact them and they will help with your immigration? I’m not sure, but you totally can. Good luck.
The only immigration checkpoints is between Tijuana Mexico and Los Angeles. ONce you are in the USA I don’t think there is any check points. The way the INS finds illegals they run when they see them. So If you act like you have a green card no one asks if you have a green card. Once you get away from the border no one asks or cares.