Important Notice: Our web hosting provider recently started charging us for additional visits, which was unexpected. In response, we're seeking donations. Depending on the situation, we may explore different monetization options for our Community and Expert Contributors. It's crucial to provide more returns for their expertise and offer more Expert Validated Answers or AI Validated Answers. Learn more about our hosting issue here.

Are there other costs involved with purchasing playground equipment?


Are there other costs involved with purchasing playground equipment?


Other possible costs involved with purchasing playground equipment are: • accessories • ground cover • borders • shipping / delivery • installation How will I know that Ive got all my bases covered? Your KidstructionTM representative will work with you to ensure that all issues have been addressed. You and he/she will have formed a relationship so that all concerns can be addressed before, during, and after your playground equipment has been installed. Remember, we want you to tell a friend! How long will it take to get my playground equipment? Normally, it takes 4 8 weeks to fabricate and install a play structure, depending on your schedule, time of year, etc. What if I experience a problem or a glitch during the project? Your KidstructionTM sales rep is available throughout the project to address any concern you may have, or problem that may occur. We quickly and cheerfully respond to any questions or issues that may arise. We are available every business day by telephone (800-245-84

What is your question?

*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.