Are there volunteer opportunities on Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge?
Pea Island uses volunteers in every facet of operations except law enforcement and fire fighting. Local volunteers work in the Visitor Center, conduct interpretive programs, assist with biological work, and help with maintenance. Student interns spend 10-14 weeks during all seasons, gathering work skills and learning what a refuge might offer them for future employment. More recently, the refuge has begun a Workamper Program, where adults live in their own RV’s on a site provided by the refuge in return for a minimum of 32 hours per week of work. We are especially interested in Workampers with education/interpretation experience or carpentry or mechanical skills. • Why do some rangers wear green uniforms and some wear brown? The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) uniform is primarily brown. Pea Island is a small refuge that lies within Cape Hatteras National Seashore. While Pea Island is administered by FWS, Cape Hatteras National Seashore falls under National Park Service (NPS) administr